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Rent My Kiln

Are you interested in pottery and would like to rent some kiln space?

I use a Nabertherm Top 45 Litre kiln in my studio, which is located in Liverpool City Centre. It has a chamber size of 410mm diameter x 340mm depth. It will comfortably fit 20 standard-sized mugs for a glaze firing, more for bisque.


My standard price for a full kiln Bisque Firing is £35.

My standard price for a full kiln Glaze Firing is £45.


I usually fire to 1000 Celsius for bisque and 1240 Celsius for glaze firings. But I'm happy to discuss any temperature preferences you might have. Please check the correct firing temperatures for the clay and glazes you have used for your project. These are very important! If you have any questions regarding temperatures I'll try to help the best I can but it's always good to keep a hold of your packaging so you can check this.


After the work is fired, the kiln will also need the same amount of time to cool before it can be safely opened. Therefore, you won't be able to collect your work until the next day, at the earliest. But we will arrange this nearer the time through email. I can hold your items up to 10 days after firing. Please bring any packing materials or boxes you might need to transport your items when you come to pick them up.


I take great care when loading and unloading the kiln. However, breakages do happen due to the experimental and delicate nature of ceramics. Therefore, it is important that your work is bone dry before firing. It is also important that the bases of your pottery are free from glaze as any glaze that drips can damage the kiln shelves which are expensive to replace and the owner of the pottery will be liable for the damage caused.


Cat's Ceramics will not be held responsible for any breakages or glaze faults that occur to your pottery during the firing process.


If you are interested and would like to book a firing session with me or just want to know more then please fill out the form below or send a quick email to

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